
Hulk, The World’s Greatest Pitbull who Weighs Around 78 KGs (174 lbs)

While Great Danes, pit bulls, and other snub-nosed, strong-jawed dogs are usually considered dangerous and unpredictable, the world’s biggest named ‘Hulk’ is quite friendly. Although he is a big, strong dog (weighing around 78 KG (173.4lb) and still growing), Hulk has earned the trust of his owner, breeder, and trainer Marlon Grannon, who can play with his son, who is three years old. Hulk is well trained that he is even permitted to interact with Grennan’s five-year-old son, Jordan.

Hulk weighs almost four times as much as a pit bull. The kind of size and mass this dog has isn’t good for them – it impairs their agility and stresses their joints, shortening their lifespan. Hulk still fathers his first litter of pitbull puppies despite these risks. As a result of their dad’s big bones, the doggies are expected to grow up to be as cute as Hulk-sized pit bulls and should fetch the owner half a million dollars. In addition, the fact that their dad is the giant pitbull in the world must add to their exceptional value.

#1 ‘Hulk,’ a 17-month-old pitbull who weighs 173.4lbs and is STILL growing!

#2 There’s nothing to fear from this softie, however

#3 Owner Marlon Grannon trusts Hulk with his 3-year-old son, Jordan

#4 Hulk is so big that he can even take Jordan on short rides

#5 Every day, Hulk eats 4lbs of ground beef with special supplements

#8 His owners are professional guard dog trainers and breeders

#9 Lisa Grannon says she trusts Hulk precisely because of his thorough guard-dog training

#18 Hulk is a gentle giant and a great father. He will think nothing of laying down and licking his young puppies

#19 He doesn’t get phased by the sort of things that might upset or distract another dog.

#20 Hulk has shown the world that when this breed is gentle and balanced, they can be the greatest dogs in the world

#21 I love this dog so much I honestly can’t even put it into words. There are no words to describe it

Written by Leandro Turner

Webmaster, blogger and amateur chef. I love to find and explore unique and amazing things on the internet and share them with you guys :)

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