
Epic Christmas Trolling Gifts That Left Everyone in Stitches

It’s that time of year again! The season of giving, where we look forward to seeing the joy and surprise on our loved ones’ faces as they unwrap their gifts. But, let’s be honest, sometimes the best surprises come in the form of a hilarious, well-thought-out prank gift.

Now, we’re not talking about your average gag gifts. These are the kind of presents that are so unexpected, so out of the blue, that they leave everyone in the room in stitches. It’s all about striking that perfect balance between humor and surprise, turning the typical Christmas morning into an episode of laughter and joy.

As the wrapping paper is torn away and the laughter begins, it’s clear that these aren’t just gifts. They’re memories in the making, stories to be told, and the perfect way to add a little twist to the holiday cheer. So, as you ponder over your Christmas shopping list, remember: sometimes, the best gift of all is a good laugh. And who knows, maybe this year, you’ll be the one delivering the ultimate trolling Christmas present!

#1 My uncle pissed me off, so I made his 3 young sons rubber band shooters for Christmas.

#2 A friend got our cat a tiny poncho and sombrero for Christmas, and I can’t handle it.

#6 Every year I get my family gag gifts for Christmas that involve my dog. This year, it’s LEGO Penny.

#8 Just opened my lovely gift off our Ethan’s lass and laughed so much I was crying. Thanks again, Chloe… It’s those little things.

#9 Gave my pirate-loving landlord his Christmas gift last night: January’s rent. In coins. His response: “You’re both awesome and huge jerks.”

#10 I’m 24 and still living with my parents. This is what I got for Christmas.

#12 My girlfriend and I fought and didn’t talk for 3 days, so I sent her an Amazon gift with this as the message.

#13 My friend is a paraplegic and wore his Christmas gift for the first time. Everyone seems to approve of it.

#14 My buddy has been an EMT for a few years. We left him a gift since he hasn’t had a lunch box after an accident and was happy to have a new one.

#17 This office-themed Guess Who game my wife made me for Christmas.

#18 I ran out of wrapping paper for one last little gift, but I have a printer and paper so…

#19 Every Christmas I give my kids a personalized card. This year I decided to mess with them.

#20 My family’s annual white elephant gift exchange. Everything you see in this picture must be displayed in our homes for the entire year.

#21 My dad always guesses his Christmas gift before he opens it. Think he’ll know he’s getting wrenches?

#22 My sister-in-law got Steve Buscemi leggings for Christmas.

#23 I asked my nephew what he wanted for Christmas. His only answer was money. I unwrapped 60 rolls of pennies into the box.

#24 My sister’s boyfriend got me 4 gallons of ice cream for Christmas (pint for comparison).

#25 My dad wrapped the yard tools he got me for Christmas.

#26 Welcome back Chellsey. Look what Santa got for you: a Wii Extreme Chore Games.

#27 Told my boyfriend I was getting him a burger for Christmas.

#28 “Shirtception” – my favorite gift every year from my brother. We’re now at level 7.

#29 My parents are retiring and want to travel full time. My brother sent them this suitcase for Christmas.

#30 I told my husband I just wanted some “crappy earrings” for Christmas. He delivered.

#32 I’m a marine biology student, and my cousins saw it fit to give me blobfish slippers for Christmas. I thought you all deserved to know about them.

#33 Finished wrapping my sister’s present. It’s a necklace.

#34 My dad has always been a master of disguising gifts, and this year drilled a hole in a piece of wood to hide a ring box for my mom. The look of “too many years of this crap” is strong with this one.

#36 I told my father I wouldn’t be home for Christmas. Then I flew 3K miles and wrapped myself up by the tree.

#37 Every year I try to disguise my sister’s Christmas present. This year I think I went a little too far.

#39 My wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas, she’s crafty so I told her to make me something. Couldn’t be happier.

#40 Gave my mom this mug for Christmas 2 years ago and she still has no clue.

#41 My sister and I painted each other Bob Ross for Christmas, turns out we have a similar sense of humor.

#42 My girlfriend’s brother got a new suitcase for Christmas.

#43 My friend’s dad got him an unfortunate Christmas present.

#44 Just finished making my boyfriend’s Christmas gift.

#45 Of course, my 85-year-old grandma would get my white elephant.

#46 My dad thought he’d given me the perfect gift at an early Christmas gathering (he did).

#47 Maybe not the smartest secret Santa gift for the boss in a recession year.

#48 My son just wanted gift cards for Christmas. This is how we wrapped them. Santa’s reindeer.

#49 This “bottle of Scotch” at my office’s white elephant gift exchange was stolen twice before anyone opened it.

#50 How one of my coworkers wrapped his secret Santa gift.

#52 For tonight’s Christmas gift exchange, I made my own cover label on a box of wine.

#53 I made my own gift for my workplace Christmas gift swap. I’m proud to say it was stolen repeatedly.

#54 My boyfriend wanted to see an insult version of those “Why I Love You” bottles. Here’s what I made him for Christmas.

#55 My dad’s sisters went on a trip and didn’t invite him. For Christmas my dad gave them both a picture of himself photoshopped into a picture of them together from their trip.

#56 Yes, it is embroidered toilet paper. Great white elephant gift.

#58 Somehow I get the impression that my dad’s girlfriend doesn’t like me. Evidence of a Christmas gift.

#59 Finished my Christmas present for my little sister.

#60 Replaced my brother’s license plate frame as a surprise late Christmas gift.

#61 Gag Christmas gift for my brother-in-law’s chickens.

#62 Daughters got us these for Christmas. Decided to put them on the bed for us since we kept “forgetting.”

#64 This was my Christmas gift to everyone in my family.

#65 My friend gifted me this in case my minor knee surgery on Wednesday has complications.

#66 My mom bought me this as a gag gift. She’s the best. I’ll give an update later on how it tastes.

#68 How my graphic designer sister likes to send my Christmas presents.

#69 I’m 29 & paralyzed from the waist down and I got this from my 9-year-old nephew who’s named after me.

#70 The other day my dad fell off a 10 ft ladder and through a drop ceiling. I just happened to be walking by and was able to catch him on his way down. This was the tile he went through and now his Christmas present is finished.

#71 I asked for art for my new apartment this Christmas. May I present “Butterflies,” a painting from my nieces made entirely with their butt cheeks. Lovely.

#72 My friend is terrible at flirting. She asked this guy if he liked bread as an opener and a year later they are together and he made this for her Christmas gift.

#74 Every year my dad gets us odd religious candles around the holidays. This year he really outdid himself.

#76 My friend for a week has been saying he bought me a skill for Christmas. Well today I found out the skill. It’s a locked box and a lock picking kit. Apparently, my actual gift is inside.

#77 “A sense of purpose” I dismissively said when my sisters asked me what I wanted for Christmas. So they got me a water-themed candle and a stuffed dolphin. You know, “a scent(s) of porpoise.”

#78 Every Christmas my sister gets me a weapon from Clue. The collection is now complete.

#79 The wife and kids’ Christmas present is on the tree and they still don’t even realize it.

#80 I bought my parents a TV for Christmas but they are going to think it’s something else at first.

#81 My uncle has sent me the same thing for X-Mas every year since I was a kid and I laugh every single time.

#82 Every year I get my family a Christmas gag gift based on my dog. This year it’s replica slippers.

#83 Our family has a 35+ year tradition of disguising Christmas gifts. This took over 80 hours to build. This “cannon” is actually disguising a golf umbrella, hidden in the ramrod. The cannon is made out of cardboard, with a little foam for structural support, plus the candy cane spokes. The cannon has a remotely triggered CO2 canister hooked to a solenoid valve to launch a Christmas ornament on command.

#86 I made these flags as Christmas presents for my friends.

#87 My sister and I call each other the world’s biggest dork, bought the domain as a Christmas surprise.

#88 My co-worker told me I had no holiday spirit so I wrapped him a gift.

#89 My sister asked for a Nintendo Switch for Xmas. Her boyfriend must have misunderstood.

#90 The blanket that my husband got me for Christmas. It’s his face.

#91 Extremely appropriate Xmas gift my grandfather received.

#92 Saw the JPEG on the net and said I wanted it on a gym shirt. Here’s my late, but great Christmas present.

#93 My buddy got this from his wife for Christmas – she wins.

#94 My sister & I compete for “worst present” each Christmas. She won this year.

#95 Every year my family does a Secret Santa and Secret Satan and my brother-in-law has had me for Satan for the past four years straight.

#97 My brother bought me some games for Christmas during Black Friday, wrapped them and placed them on my shelf while saying: Open these up on the 25th. This is cruelty at its peak. They’ve been sitting there for a couple of weeks now, looking at me, tempting my weak soul.

#98 Bought my brother tree trimmers for Christmas, built a cardboard frame around them and wrapped them like this.

#99 I lost a tooth earlier this year. I took a silly picture while I was in the gym. My wife had it turned into a sock as a Christmas present for my mother.

Written by Leandro Turner

Webmaster, blogger and amateur chef. I love to find and explore unique and amazing things on the internet and share them with you guys :)

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